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CUE ESP Symposium 2014

JALT CUE ESP Symposium 2014

Welcome to the webpage for the 3rd Annual JALT CUE ESP Symposium - Kanto 2014. The idea for this event originated at the JALT 2011 conference among a handful of ESP practitioners who wanted to have more opportunities to share ideas, knowledge, and experiences. That original idea evolved into an annual event dedicated to ESP that has attracted ESP practitioners from all over Japan.

With experiencing growing success in consecutive years, this year's event is being expanded to a symposium boasting three presentations by: 1) a professional industry expert outside of language education to offer unique perspectives on expectations of professional candidates coming out of ESP programs; 2) a domestic ESP expert sharing innovative ESP classroom applications, and 3) an international expert and one of the foremost authorities in the world on ESP expounding on current ESP research and trends.

In addition to the three keynote speakers, there will be two poster presentation sessions where you can share your own work in ESP, and group roundtable discussions that will segue into a panel discussion. Add to all of these activities the opportunity for networking with ESP peers from all over Japan and a dinner party to relax, enjoy and socialize, we will have the full spectrum of ESP fun. We are looking forward to seeing you here.

Co-Symposium Chairs, Leigh McDowell, Steven Taro Suzuki, and Ralph Rose

  • Pre-registration Form
  • Program Schedule
  • Keynote Speakers
  • Poster
  • Call for Posters (now closed)
  • Theme by Danetsoft and Danang Probo Sayekti inspired by Maksimer